Our Mission

At GARAS (Gloucestershire Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers) we offer support to those seeking asylum in Gloucestershire, welcoming them when they arrive, advocating for them in their daily struggles, supporting them if they face being sent back as well as helping them adjust to their long term future if they are recognised as refugees.

Contact Information

Gloucestershire Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers (GARAS)

Telephone: 01452 550528
General enquiries: info@garas.org.uk
Administrative enquiries: admin@garas.org.uk

Adele Owen

Lent Challenge

February 21, 2014

If you have had enough of ‘giving something up for Lent’ such as chocolate or alcohol and fancy doing something different, we have just the thing for you!  Why not take up the challenge of living on Asylum Support rates for the period of Lent this year?  (From Wednesday 5th March, to Saturday 19th April 2014.)  Asylum seekers who rely on support from the Home Office whilst their cases are being considered receive the following money per week:

A single person aged over 18 – £36.62

A couple (eg married couple/ in civil partnership) – £72.52

Lone parent aged 18 or over – £43.94

Teenager aged at least 16 but under 18 – £39.80

Child aged under 16 – £52.96

So, you can use this list to work out your or your family’s entitlement and set yourself a weekly budget.  Please note that this does not include rents, utilities or council tax, so you don’t have to factor in these costs.  But this does include/ you would need to use this money to pay for use of phones, food, clothing, toiletries and transport.  If you give this a go, why not donate the money you have saved to GARAS?  Cheques made payable to GARAS and can be sent to the office.  Several of us here have done this over the past few years.  It is a sobering experience and can be very thought provoking and insightful, particularly if you are used to having income at your disposal.