At GARAS (Gloucestershire Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers) we offer support to those seeking asylum in Gloucestershire, welcoming them when they arrive, advocating for them in their daily struggles, supporting them if they face being sent back as well as helping them adjust to their long term future if they are recognised as refugees.
Gloucestershire Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers (GARAS)
The Trust Centre
Falkner St
Telephone: 01452 550528
General enquiries:
Administrative enquiries:
Adele Owen
Following this disappointing news not to resettle 3000 vulnerable unaccompanied children from Europe to Britain, please consider signing this petition and sharing, to get the government to rethink this decision.
You are welcome to attend a screening of ‘Mirrors to Windows’ this Friday 22nd April, 7:30pm at Gloucester Cathedral Chapter House. “Award-winning documentary film directed by Susan Steinberg exploring the Artist as Woman.” It acts as a fund raiser, with some proceeds going to GARAS. Here is the flier, for you to download and share among your contacts. Mirrors to Windows flier
Friends at Refugee Aid Stroud are arranging a drop off point for food collections to go to the people of Syria, abroad. Please see this poster syria2GLOUCESTER (1) for more details and feel free to get involved. Thanks.
Please take a look at our website and add your voice to ours, to call the Government to rethink its controversial ‘Right to Rent’ scheme, which we see will create housing problems and homelessness for Refugees. You can find a template letter on the website. Please personalise and use it. The scheme is set to start in February, so time is running short! Thanks.
The following article was written by one of our Trustees, Simon Trapnell, for his parish magazine and shown here with permission:
In Gloucester recently I walked past Burtons and Marks and Spencers, saw books
published by Hamlyns in Waterstones and glimpsed premier league footballer Saido
Berahino in a newspaper in WH Smiths. I tell you this because Sir Montague Burton,
Michael Marks and Paul Hamlyn, who gave their names to their businesses, and
Burundian footballer Berahino share a common experience – they started their lives in the
UK as refugees.
[My wife] Carol and I spent some time over Christmas with a Syrian family of 5 who are refugees.
They are very grateful for being in Britain and for the opportunity to build a new future. But
we also were struck by how they are daunted and constantly worrying about family and
friends left behind in their shattered home city. They are torn between looking forward and
looking back. From smiles and spells of optimism for the future, they can quickly slip into
sadness and fear when they think about all they have been through.
The parents are desperate to build a future for their children and help them deal with their
experiences by giving them tangible hope. Simply put, they want to get back to a normal
family life with familiar routines and a sense of predictability. How precious a normal life is!
One of those routines, particularly for the parents, is work. The identity and status of many
people, refugees or not, are often tied to their profession. Those who have had to flee their
countries have lost their home, culture, language, friends and often family. Losing identity
and status are additional challenges that they have to overcome. It is really tough.
More than anything the father in this family wants to work, even if it is as a volunteer. But
like him, many refugees arrive with years of experience behind them yet find it very difficult
to move into work where they can contribute their wealth of expertise. Some have at least
basic English (a few have good English), and even if non- speakers on arrival here, most
are very keen to be independent as soon as possible. Regardless of their experience and
qualifications, most will at first look for jobs that need only limited English. Once they
become more fluent and feel able to offer their skills, refugees are very frustrated to
discover that many employers disregard qualifications and experience from overseas. As a
result, it takes them longer than it should to return to the job market. Employers miss out
too as refugees often come from countries that value hard work, learning and
independence more than in the UK. Plus, leaving your home, travelling somewhere
unknown, discovering how a different culture works and learning the language all demand
flexibility, persistence and a positive attitude – characteristics that are extremely valuable
in the workplace.
So, if you are an employer, or you work and would be prepared to talk to your managers,
could you see if it would be possible for a refugee to have a work or volunteering
opportunity to help them find their feet and move their lives forward? It does not
necessarily have to be paid work – refugees and asylum seekers desperately need work
experience and can make great volunteers too. They are invariably highly motivated to
learn skills and to gain experience. But volunteering is not just of benefit to them – by
involving refugees and asylum seekers you can really help your organisation as they bring
unique skills and experience (some are highly skilled professionals), they can help you to
engage with the refugee communities, increase the diversity of your organisation, enhance
your awareness of other cultures and enable your organisation to make a really positive
response to an international crisis.
Many refugees lives have been greatly helped by donations of items – a huge thank you
again to all those who so generously donated items to GARAS last year
– but could you also help with an offer of a work or volunteer opportunity? I feel sure that
Messrs Marks, Burton, Hamlyn and Berahino had people that helped them gain the
confidence and self-esteem to prove themselves, by offering them opportunities as well as
food or clothes or equipment.
One refugee said ‘When you arrive in the UK you are no-one. You are forced to work your
way up and prove yourself.’ It is no exaggeration to say that any opportunities you might
be able to provide would be a hand-up that could transform lives.
If you would like to find out more, please contact .
Note: In case you were not sure ….. An asylum seeker is someone who has asked the
British government for protection under international law and has not had a decision on
their case yet. A refugee is someone who has proven that they need protection under
international law and the government has granted them refugee status in Britain. There
are rules that affect what work and volunteering opportunities are allowed for each of these