Our Mission

At GARAS (Gloucestershire Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers) we offer support to those seeking asylum in Gloucestershire, welcoming them when they arrive, advocating for them in their daily struggles, supporting them if they face being sent back as well as helping them adjust to their long term future if they are recognised as refugees.

Contact Information

Gloucestershire Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers (GARAS)
The Trust Centre
Falkner St

Telephone: 01452 550528
General enquiries: info@garas.org.uk
Administrative enquiries: admin@garas.org.uk

Adele Owen

Documentary Screening Friday 22/4/16

April 20, 2016

You are welcome to attend a screening of ‘Mirrors to Windows’ this Friday 22nd April, 7:30pm at Gloucester Cathedral Chapter House.  “Award-winning documentary film directed by Susan Steinberg exploring the Artist as Woman.”  It acts as a fund raiser, with some proceeds going to GARAS.  Here is the flier, for you to download and share among your contacts. Mirrors to Windows flier

Film Screening

August 6, 2013

The BAFTA nominated feature film “I Am Nasrine,” will be screening at the Gloucester Guildhall on August 13th and 14th. Please find the screening info as well as a short bio about the film below. Thank in advance for all of your help.

August 13th – Gloucester Guildhall @ 7:45 PM
August 14th – Gloucester Guildhall @ 2:00 PM

Tickets can be purchased at http://iamnasrine.com/screenings

I Am Nasrine: A film about love, finding oneself and the eternal search for home.

When you change where you are do you change who you are? I Am Nasrine is an intimate journey of self-discovery and ultimately reveals the unfolding of a soul. Set in modern day Tehran, and the UK, the film follows the paths of Nasrine and Ali, sister and brother in a comfortable, middle class Iranian home. When Nasrine has a run-in with the police, the punishment is more than she bargained for. At her father’s bidding, Nasrine and Ali set out for the UK, torn about leaving behind their home and all that they know, embarking on a reluctant exile. Still, for Nasrine, there is undeniable excitement about the prospect of starting a new life in the West, and an eagerness for its promise of new freedoms. Arriving in Britain, their fate and their future are far from certain. Nasrine is quick to settle into her new life, making friends, forming bonds, including Nichole from the gypsy/travelers community. All the while her brother Ali struggles with the realities of life in the UK and his awakening sexuality. Then comes 9/11. Their parents will be unable to join them in Britain, leaving them quite alone. Things spiral further out of control when an unimaginable tragedy occurs. Nasrine must discover an incredible courage within her to accept what fate has dealt her; discovering that the end of her journey is really just the beginning. Can hope, simple untainted hope, overcome the darkest of tragedies? I Am Nasrine explores these questions and more, and offers answers that are sure to surprise.

I Am Nasrine Trailer: www.tinyurl.com/iamnasrine

I Am Nasrine Audience Response Feedback: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uSMR6UVA3U&feature=youtu.be

I Am Nasrine Facebook page: www.facebook.com/iamnasrine

I Am Nasrine website : www.iamnasrine.com


July 18, 2013

Welcome to the GARAS blog. Here we hope to keep you updated with our latest news, views, happenings, concerns. We welcome comments and if you find something of interest, please share with your friends and networks on social media (facebook, twitter, social media and the like). Enjoy!